Harnessing Sport for Peace: The International Day of Sport for Development and Peace

Recognizing the positive impact sport can have on social change, development and peace, the United Nations has marked 6 April as International Day of Sport.

The event brings together renowned leaders in the sporting world to share how they are using sport as a tool for social change, development and peace, advancing global health and sustainability goals, and building community connection and stability.


6 April is International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, an important date that acknowledges the power of sports to drive social change worldwide. It promotes the role that sport can play in fostering understanding, social inclusion, gender equality and youth empowerment, while also supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The global theme of IDSDP 2024 is “Sport for the Promotion of Peaceful and Inclusive Societies.” It reflects on the capacity of sports to bridge social divisions and create a more harmonious world, by uniting individuals through common interests and shared values such as love for the game and the spirit of Olympism.

Sports offer countless advantages, such as physical and mental development, improved health, increased disease resistance, social integration and reconciliation, and fostering global brotherhood. It is within this context that IDSDP was created, in line with the vision of FIFA President Gianni Infantino and the objectives of his Strategic Objectives. In this video, singer and athlete Erika Ender embodies the spirit of IDSDP with her performance of “Everyone Matters”. Check it out!


As a global phenomenon, sport has the unique ability to connect and bring people together across borders and cultures. This is evident through the fact that it can be used to tackle a variety of issues affecting communities worldwide, including climate change, youth empowerment, gender equality and social inclusion.

It is due to this potential that the United Nations General Assembly decided in August 2013 to proclaim 6 April as the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace. The day is celebrated annually and serves as a reminder of the power of sports to advance human rights, foster sustainable development and promote peace.

Join a panel discussion featuring elite athletes and representatives of sporting organizations at UN Headquarters in New York to learn more about how the global community is using sport as a tool for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Register to attend in-person HERE and for online access to the event HERE.


In observance of the International Day of Sport, events and initiatives occur around the globe to encourage collaboration between organizations. This collaboration focuses on the use of sports as a tool to address global development issues such as poverty reduction, gender equality and environmental conservation.

In addition to bringing communities together, sports also transcend cultural and language barriers. By encouraging intercultural exchanges and understanding, the unifying spirit of sports embodies the ideals of the International Day of Sport.

In support of the International Day of Sport, the United Nations hosted an event at its headquarters in New York. The event featured members of the international sporting community including those involved in the Football for the Goals initiative to discuss best practices and explore collaborative opportunities for social change through sport.


The International Day of Sport aims to highlight the role sports can play in driving global development and peace. Observed each year since 2014, it’s an opportunity to acknowledge the positive impact that sport can have on people across the globe. 해외스포츠중계 might have the information you need.

Join a panel discussion featuring elite athletes and sporting organization experts who will share innovative ways that sport is helping to tackle climate change, improve access to education, advance the global drive for sustainability, and fight racism.

A special event will be held at United Nations Headquarters in New York to commemorate International Day of Sport on April 4. This will bring together members of the sporting community to discuss how they collaborate to have a positive influence on communities and people, while also contributing to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This event is free to attend and you can register to join online here..